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                Sales Hotline : +86-769-88015513
                Phone : +86-138-2919-2464
                Current location : Home > ABOUT US > ABOUT US

                DONGGUAN  JUNHUI MAGNET CO.,LTD.  was established in August 2008. It is one of the largest and most professional enterprises in China's neodymium iron boron magnet and samarium cobalt magnet industry. , High temperature resistant samarium cobalt magnets and other permanent magnet products; In 2022, the company's self-built new plant in Dongguan, China officially used, the new plant covers an area of 40,000 square meters, 330 employees, including 17 R & D engineers, 42 quality control personnel , 27 management staff. Equipped with one R & D center and one testing center, it has imported a large number of top international equipment from Germany, Japan, the United States and other places, and its R & D and testing capabilities have reached international advanced levels. The completion of the new plant has laid a solid foundation for the company to build a first-class magnet production base. Global sales totaled RMB 620 million in 2021 (USD 92 million), with an annual output of more than 4,000 tons. It is a large-scale integrated enterprise that produces from rare earth raw materials to finished products and surface treatment and electroplating. The company has passed ISO9001, ISO14001 and TS16949 international Standardization system certification, all products are in compliance with the authority SGS company ROHS, REACH and other safety certification.

                Product system: 
                According to different temperature resistance requirements, customers can provide N series, M series, H series, SH series, UH series, EH series, AH series with a total of 7 temperature resistant products. The minimum and maximum working temperature:- 40 ° ~ 350 °; according to the different magnetic energy, we can provide customers with a total of 10 performance ranges of 33, 35, 38, 40, 42, 45, 48, 50 , 5254;
                according to the anti-corrosion, rust and color , Can provide customers with zinc-plated, nickel-plated copper-nickel, black zinc-plated, black-nickel-plated, gold-plated, epoxy black, parylene and other surface treatment products;
                widely used: permanent magnet motors, sensors, wind energy, magnetic Power machines, automotive industry, audiovisual equipment, electronics industry, medical equipment, mining equipment, industrial automation, sports equipment, power tools, appliances, clocks, glasses, toys, LED lighting, security equipment, luggage, leather goods, computer and mobile phone protective cases, hardware and plastic And other fields.

                With its strong production strength and excellent advanced technology, Junhui Magnetic industry sincerely looks forward to cooperating with you. Please contact us; welcome to visit our factory for guidance and visit at any time.

                PARTNER/ PARTNER